someone's day

My availability is limited, albeit flexible, due to my other ventures. As such, I generally take only few select bookings made in advance, though I am able to accept dates made with shorter notice occasionally.
The easiest way to set up our date is to fill in the form below. Alternatively, you can email
Either way, in your message, please include:
   - a line or two about yourself
   - a few dates and times that would work for you (including your preference)
   - where (incall/outcall) and for how long you would like to meet
(If you choose to email directly, please also include your full name, phone number and where you have found me as well as the city you are enquiring about.)
Please note a deposit is required to secure your booking; you can find my deposit and cancellation policy here.
Thank you for filling out the form, I will be in touch soon!
Something went wrong while submitting the form - please make sure you filled in the necessary information. If you are still having issues then, please email me!
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